Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 8

Hi I'm Cullen.
I am the class leader this week.
A new boy started in our class this week, and name is Mitchell.
This week for art we made a huge mosaic. A mosaic is little tiles stuck together to make a picture.
The picture we made was about our topic space.
On Friday some of our class played cricket with the Canterbury Wizards. They made a sausage sizzle for us and we were allowed sausages as we liked. I ate 8 sausage. We did some training with the them and they taught us some skills to improve our game.
We watched the St Albans girls cricket team vs Banks Ave Schoolan, they did well.
After the game we got a goodie bag that had some awesome stuff in it.
We got some signitsures on our mini cricket bat, I got three. It was a great way to spend Friday at school.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ranfurly Shield comes to visit Room 27

Today we had a special visitor in room 27.
Tabai Matson (Isaac's Dad and the coach of the Canterbury Rugby Team) came to bring the Ranfurly Shield and the Cup the team has won for being the best in NZ. He told us a bit of the history behind the Shield. It is 108 years old and was presented to Auckland by Lord Ranfurly as a football (soccer) cup. The picture on the front of the shield is of a game with a round ball.
Thank you Mr Matson

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 7

Hi I'm Emma and I was the class leader this week.
On Friday we did some painting and made it into a mosaic.
This week we were also working on our postcards. We were making the picture on the front of our post cards of a planet we are studying or our super hero we were writing about or just a planet on the back of them. We have to write about the picture on the front of our post cards like if we went on holiday there and we are writing back to our mum or if we dicoverd a planet.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 6

Hi my name is Jorja and I am the leader this week.
This week we have done lots of writing about a character from space doing something and then we have to write a problem and how they would solve it.
On Friday we did wombling which means that the whole class goes around the school picking up rubbish. We started at the spider web then went along the fence line then the Big A and the bushes. After that we went back to class. It's great to keep our school clean and tidy.
On Friday we got told that a new boy was coming to our school.
We also got told that our school pool was fine but around it was damaged.
Our topic is space and I am studying Venus with Isaac and Joey. We have done some facts, a bit of our poster and the boarder of our poster.
During the week Emma showed us some things that she made at Brownie camp. Me and Dylan went to Brownie camp as well.
Maiya showed us a picture of a horse she had drawn from the internet.
Next Monday our new person is coming. We just cant wait.
In a couple of weeks we have to sing 4 songs at choir without looking at the words so we are doing the words for Handwriting. We did wombling today as well . Today a special guest is coming so we had to go wombling... Our school looks very clean. Our classroom is tidy as well.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Film Makers in the Making

This term has seen some of our children participate in a film maker course. They have made short films about our school to enter a nation wide competition, check them out on

Monday, November 15, 2010

Book Week Dress Up

Sarah as Alison
from the Book
'Alison Holst Cooks.'

Mrs Brunton as Hairy Maclary's
Grandmother Mary Maclary
from the book
'Caterwaul Capers.'